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Music Choice App
Music Choice+
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Music and Mental Health Survey
Thanks for participating in this quick 10-question survey. All answers will remain anonymous.
1. What Music Choice channel do you tune into to de-stress?
Choose a channel
2. What Music Choice channel do you tune into when you're happy?
Choose a channel
3. What Music Choice channel do you tune into when you're sad?
Choose a channel
4. What activity do you do most often when you listen to Music Choice?
Choose an option
5. What channel do you listen to most often when doing the above activity?
Choose a channel
6. Do you read our facts and daily affirmations? If yes, do you enjoy them? Do they help you keep a positive and upbeat mood?
Choose an option
7. How often do you use Music Choice?
Choose an option
8. What time of day/night do you usually tune into Music Choice?
Choose an option
9. Do you subscribe to Music Choice Relax? If yes, what is your favorite type of content?
Choose an option
10. How does music help you improve your mood?
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